Monday, March 7, 2011

Beginning in the photography world

JB Ramsay Photography started when we (Brad and Jennifer Ramsay) got a digital SLR as our wedding gift (August 2008). We knew we liked the idea of having this camera to be able to take great pictures but we (and even the people who bought it for us) couldn’t imagine how far we would take it. It started as a hobby going on trips and taking pictures we loved the look of the pictures and soon after the wedding started buying lenses and accessories for our new “hobby.” We will never forget one of the very first pictures that were taken with our camera. It was taken by Katie (Jennifer’s sister) the day of our wedding. It has to be one of our favorite pictures taken on that day. We loved the picture but that is when we first learned about post processing and how much fun it could be. Brads brother Bryan (a wonderful photographer from California who we owe a magnitude of gratitude because without his help we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we have today) taught us about gimp. A free processing program so we didn’t have to spend more money on Photoshop. With the combination of the picture taken and gimp we knew our possibilities were endless.

Another picture that caught us by surprise was when we went away right after the wedding with Brad’s parents, brother and sister in law. We went to Mackinac Island and went into the butterfly exhibit. This is when we first learned that our possibilities with our camera could be endless. We spent sooo much time in that exhibit. We still feel bad for Brads sister in law and parents for having to stand around and wait for us to take pictures in this exhibit. Bryan on the other hand was standing along with us taking just as many pictures if not more!

That was how we got our interest in photography. In the next week we will post more blogs about how we got to where we are today. We want to thank the group of guests that pitched in and bought us our first SLR. We wouldn’t even think of starting our own business without you. Also a HUGE thank you to Bryan…. We would defiantly not be in business without him. He has taught us soooo much technical knowledge about photography and this business. We could not have done it without him. We will be forever grateful to these people.

Brad and Jennifer Ramsay
JB Ramsay Photography